Walkie Talkies: A bi-monthly co-hosted conversation

Welcome to Walkie Talkies, an Outside Voices bi-monthly roundtable conversation with co-hosts Sarah Shimazaki, Aly Ferguson, and Neecole Bostick! In addition to our regular content, you'll be hearing more from our co-hosts as we chat about our own experiences in the outdoors, outdoor equity, and reflect on the growth of the Outside Voices community. Grab your headphones and join us around the campfire for a Walkie Talkie!

Outside Voices is a project of Resource Media, produced with support from the Pisces Foundation.

Co-hosted by Sarah Shimazaki, Aly Ferguson, and Neecole Bostick
Sound design by Jeff Alvarez
A production of Resource Media with support from the Pisces Foundation.

Available to stream wherever you listen to Outside Voices Podcast!